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What to Expect in Group Therapy for Addiction

a group of adults seated in a circle with a behavioral health specialist learning what to expect in group therapy for addiction.

Evidence-based psychotherapy approaches are a vital tool in addiction treatment. In addition to individual therapy, group therapy can advance recovery and mental health because group dynamics amplify certain aspects of treatment. Group therapy in Asheville, NC, is a cornerstone of Insight Recovery Center’s offerings. Reach out today at 828.826.1376 to learn what to expect in group therapy.

You can learn about group therapy for those in treatment or recovery from substance use disorders and speak to one of our professional staff members. Insight Recovery Center includes a robust group therapy component in our intensive outpatient program (IOP) and partial hospitalization program (PHP).

Group Therapy for Recovering Addicts

Group therapy is different from a peer support group, such as a 12-step program, because it is actual therapy led by a mental health professional. Some of the factors that influence your experience in a group therapy setting include:

  • Empathy – Sharing with honesty and vulnerability in group therapy greatly affects the empathy response. Listening to peers share their struggles helps you feel compassion for them and also for yourself as you realize how much experience you and your peers in group therapy have in common.
  • Communication skills – In a group setting, you will be challenged to develop the skills to forge and sustain relationships, including listening without judgment and being truthful and kind.
  • Accountability – The members of a therapy group offer new perspectives. You can hold one another accountable by being good listeners and feeling invested in one another’s recovery journey.

Your therapy team is likely to include group therapy as part of your personalized treatment plan. A range of therapy options ensures a comprehensive rehab experience and sets you up to learn the skills and gain insights to help you recover.

What To Expect in Group Therapy?

Group therapy involves structured sessions with five to ten recovering individuals. It is led by one or two therapists who are expected to be culturally sensitive, goal-oriented, and professional.

Group therapy includes many of the skills and goals listed below:

  • Reducing stigma around addiction and recovery
  • Brainstorming strategies for facing individual challenges and obstacles to recovery
  • Role-playing potential scenarios that may challenge recovery
  • Developing social networks within the group
  • Building interpersonal and communication skills
  • Providing supportive, honest feedback to your group peers
  • Working on cohesive, meaningful connections within the group

A therapy group can be closed or open. A closed group emphasizes internal cohesion. It starts and ends on a set date; once formed, no new people are admitted to the group. An open group is inclusive of new members along the way and can continue without a set end date. Regardless of whether your group is closed or open, the trust and empathy you will develop over the course of your group therapy will shore you up as you head back into the world. In group therapy, you will find solutions to problems, strategies for navigating challenges, and the support of people with shared experiences.

Start Group Therapy in Asheville, NC – Call Insight Recovery Center Today

What is group therapy like? It’s like having a robust team of allies and advocates standing by your side. You will learn and teach, ask and answer, share and listen. A well-rounded addiction recovery program includes group therapy under the guidance and support of a professional therapist.

Call Insight Recovery Center at 828.826.1376 or contact us online to get started on your healing. You’ll see how all the parts fit together to create a comprehensive treatment plan for your treatment needs and recovery goals. Don’t wait to start your journey toward healing and recovery.