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What to Expect in a Partial Hospitalization Program

close up of a person clasping the hand of another person in a hospital bed symbolizing what to expect in a partial hospitalization program

If you’re looking for wrap-around support as you begin the process of addiction recovery, consider a partial hospitalization program (PHP) that permits a level of flexibility while providing a high level of care. Partial hospitalization in Asheville, NC is available at Insight Recovery Center. Our mission is to provide you with the evidence-based treatment you need to begin recovery from a position of strength, in a safe place.

What is partial hospitalization like? Find out by connecting with our staff. We can answer all your questions and provide you with knowledge and options. Call us at 828.826.1376 to speak to someone about our partial hospitalization program.

What Is Partial Hospitalization?

A partial hospitalization program is the highest level of care you can receive while still having the flexibility to live at home, though at Insight Recovery Center, we provide housing support if you prefer to immerse in a 24/7 model. With round-the-clock supervision and access to both staff and peers, your recovery can begin with the strongest of foundations in PHP.

You’ll be engaged in the program up to six hours a day, five to seven days per week. The greater time commitment for a PHP as opposed to a regular outpatient program or even an IOP (intensive outpatient program) provides safeguards that can improve sobriety outcomes.

For those who choose to sleep at home, there is a bit of flexible time available for maintaining some work hours, keeping up with school (though perhaps on a modified schedule), and staying connected with family. But a partial hospitalization program is also similar to a full-time, 24/7 program in that it provides a high level of care and can meet you where you are in terms of commitment and recovery goals.

Is PHP Right for You?

There are often a few steps in the decision-making process regarding the right addiction treatment program for you. Once you have made the important and gutsy decision to seek rehab treatment, you will have an intake session with staff, often a team of people who have acquired your medical and mental health histories and now are seeking further information. In order to determine the best program for you, they need to understand:

  • The duration of your substance dependence
  • The severity of your addiction
  • Whether you have an addiction to or tolerance for more than one substance
  • If there are co-occurring mental health disorders
  • If you’ve relapsed in the past
  • The quality and stability of your home support network

Taking all this into account, as well as your preferences and goals, they will make a recommendation about a treatment program.

Partial Hospitalization in Asheville, NC

At Insight Recovery Center, you will have access to a wide range of therapies and supportive modalities. Your lifelong health is our goal. Our professional, compassionate, experienced clinicians provide evidence-based, trauma-informed care in a safe, comfortable setting.

Below is a partial list of some of what is available to you in our partial hospitalization program:

The comprehensive level of care available at Insight Recovery Center is such that you will be seen, supported, nurtured, and held accountable in a safe setting surrounded by empathetic, caring peers and professionals.

Call Insight Recovery Center Today for Partial Hospitalization in Asheville

It is so easy to connect with us to discuss PHP and more. Call 828.826.1376 or use our online contact form. Before you know it, you’ll be talking to one of our staff and taking the first steps on an important journey to recovery.

Reach out today. We can’t wait to help you on your path.