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What to Expect in Outpatient Rehab

behavioral health specialist talking to young man about what to expect in outpatient rehab

Millions of Americans struggle with substance use disorders (SUDs), but the vast majority of those never receive the treatment they need and deserve. There are many reasons for that, but one is that there are not enough rehab facilities to support the demand. For many people, an excellent outpatient treatment program is exactly what they need to make the leap and get started on recovery. Additionally, many people want to know what to expect in outpatient rehab.

At Insight Recovery Center in Asheville, NC, we offer a partial hospitalization program (PHP) and an intensive outpatient program (IOP) to accommodate our clients’ outpatient rehab needs. If you are wondering what outpatient rehab is like, call 828.826.1376 to speak to one of our staff. When you connect with us, we can answer your questions about our intensive outpatient rehab programs.

What Is Outpatient Rehab?

The main criterion for outpatient addiction treatment is that you live at home and commute to the rehab center for therapies and meetings during either daytime or evening hours, sometimes both.

The therapists at Insight Recovery Center offer the same level of care you would receive in an inpatient program. In an outpatient program, you have choices about the level of intensity and time commitment while living at home.

In outpatient rehab, you benefit from:

  • Being able to keep up with your commitments to family and responsibilities at work or school. This can alleviate stress for many people. Even high-intensity programs permit a certain amount of connectedness to the important obligations of life.
  • Home and all it offers, including the support of friends and family and the familiarity of your space and things. It is crucial that your support network at home understands what you need and feels like a safe haven.
  • Affordability. Even with insurance coverage, there can be copays, deductibles, and out-of-pocket costs. Those tend to be lower with outpatient rehab since you are not paying for room and board in addition to all your treatments.

You and your treatment team will discuss the level of care you need once you determine if you want to enroll in an outpatient program.

What to Expect in Outpatient Rehab

Different levels of intensity are available in an outpatient treatment program, and they form a continuum of care. While a client can enter into any level of outpatient treatment, it is not uncommon for an individual to start in a PHP, step down to an IOP, and then transition to a regular outpatient program (OP). The three most common outpatient programs are:

  • OP – This level of treatment requires the least amount of time commitment, although it can vary based on individual needs. It may only be a few days a week for a handful of hours, but if there is a need for greater intensity, an intensive outpatient program offers a step up.
  • IOP – Intensive outpatient programs require a greater time commitment, typically about three to five hours a day, five days a week, or between 15 and 25 hours per week.
  • PHP – The partial hospitalization program is as close to inpatient treatment as you can get. It is like a part-time job in terms of time commitment, often up to 30 hours per week spread out over five to seven days.

At Insight Recovery Center, we specialize in PHP and IOP programs. How do you know which one is best? We need to learn about you first. In a thorough intake interview, we will find out about your medical, psychiatric, and addiction history. The information helps us determine what program you qualify for. We also need to hear from you about your hopes and dreams for rehab and beyond and what your schedule can tolerate to devise the best plan for you. We find something you can work with and that will move you towards your sobriety goals.

Learn About Our Outpatient Treatment Program at Insight Recovery Center Today

What can you expect in our outpatient rehab? We offer evidence-based therapies, experiential therapies, peer support, addiction education, and the focused, professional, and compassionate dedication of our staff.

Learn about our outpatient programs by calling us at 828.826.1376 or reaching out online today.